Thursday, April 5, 2012

DEEP THOUGHTS: Rookie Edition

Our little buddies are getting ready to lace up for their very first bout tomorrow at Kerrisdale Arena for the Season 6 Opener against the Bad Reputations. How are they feeling about it? A few of 'em took a break from being TOTALLY AWESOME and actually answered.

"Butterflies. Anticipation. Nervousness.
These are just a few of the many emotions I feel when I picture myself skating in front of my family and friends in the Season Opener. I'm not a super emotional person but when I think of my husband and kids cheering me on...I get a little welled up."
- Justine Timberskate (JT)

"A year ago I sat and watched the 2011 season opener and thought these women are AMAZING and this sport is so fucking rad I have to play. But, I procrastinated, as one does, until the summer break up season arrived arrived, which always seems to force some change. This change was getting some skates, joining Raw Meat and watching roller derby all season. Fast forward one year and I will be on the track for the season opener. It is surreal how far all the rookies have come through fresh meat to see our derby dreams come true. Nerves and simple thoughts describe my mind going into this game..... SKATING IS FUN. MY TEAM IS AWESOME. FIND RED. MOVE FEET. LOOK AT LABIA...."
- The Golden Snitch (Snitch)

"I'm so excited to watch my team play tomorrow. I was recovering from an injury for the first bit of our training so I really had a chance to watch my fellow rookies as they learned and improved. I can't believe the amount of information we've taken in over the last two months! Thank you so much to our coach and fellow teammates. You're awesome :D"
- Selina Guile (Guile)

"Coming up to the first game I'm not exactly sure what to feel. I don't really feel nervous, although I'm sure come game day that will change. I feel like after 6 months of fresh meet and 2 months of being on The Riot Girls I am finally getting my skates under me. I feel like the team is starting to come together and I feel really good knowing my teammates are there to help and support me. I have no doubt that I will get just annihilated out there a few times but I hope I can get back up fast, help my team out and not look like a total idiot doing it!"
- Great Big C (Geebs, C, CDawg... we're working on it ;)

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